Casting can be a very difficult thing to do. You must be able to find people who will take their duty seriously and have some acting skills, Although we have not have started to cast, I have some ideas that I will present to my group this week. I have a few people in mind who will be a perfect fit for this task. Group member Kayla will actually be a actor in this film opening while the others will be editing and filming. Casting this week will actually be a great choice since we start production on the 22nd of February. If we can gather up a cast by Wednesday or Thursday, actors will be given time to memorize and act out their lines. The actors we choose must be good at memorizing since they have a short time to memorize their lines. So on film day we have a smooth transition and an easy production process. There is a couple of things we need to acknowledge before we start to cast. Things such as how should we do this casting process, where should the casting take place, how we would be able to judge, and how long would this process take. These are all the questions that come to mind when I think about how we would be able to cast. I will present these questions to my group mates and we will cultivate ideas towards this topic. Hopefully, this will be a smooth casting and not take up all of our time for the week. This is probably the most important part of this project since without the cast we have nothing. I know I will conduct the casting since I will grade their actions to the fullest extent and not be biased once so ever.
In order to be ready for production, you must have a schedule. This schedule will contain what day you will be filming a certain scene, what scene it is, and the projected time when it starts and when it finishes. This schedule will help keep everything organized so when film day comes, everything will be smooth and not take a extremely long time. This schedule should not take a extremely long time to do. However, in my group someone was assigned to do it and is not answering so it might take a little bit more time. A tip that would be very helpful in your group would to make sure you can contact your team members at all times. In times where on group member may not be able to do some, you must be able to contact them to help fix this issue. This film schedule plays a main role with production alongside casting. Every single movie that you have seen, the producers made a film schedule. This keeps them organized and can guarantee that they will finish their film in the projected ti...
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