My final project will be a film opening and will be named “Together
till the end: The breakup” The project will fall under the section “Component
1: Foundation portfolio” and will go over objectives 2 and 3. I plan to
research movies in my genre and production methods. This project will meet
objective two requirements by analyzing film openings in the genre I am doing
and conduct shot by shot to better understand how to create this film opening
the way it should be created. This film opening will also meet the requirements
of objective three by carefully researching this genre (as I said before by
looking at film openings, conducting shot by shot analysis, and breaking down
this opening to the core). With my team Kayla, Kinaya, and Adonai, we will
properly plan and construct this film opening.
What kind of movie am I trying to make? I want to make a drama/ comedic movie that teenagers can relate to. Movies such as mean girls where the new girl wants to fit in with the more popular girls. This happens all the time in real life, especially in high school. Or just like the 2010 movie street dreams about a teen who goes through many hardships in his life and tries to go pro in skating. Although that's not what his parents want him to do, he does it anyways since that's what he enjoys that. As a teenager your parents may want you to be a doctor, engineer, architect, or something that just makes a lot of money. Even though you may want to do something else, you feel as if you must obey your parents, which is what is happening in this movie. As I said earlier my intended audience will be teenagers because I am making something that they can relate to. I will get them to see this movie by producing something that grabs their attention. Such as leaving a cliff hanger in the beginning so they can watch it more. Such as the movie " scary movie" where in the film opening a character dies by the antagonist leaving everyone clueless since its the beginning of the movie. In this movie the character "Drew" gets chased around by the antagonist for approximately the whole entire opening. Leaving the audience to ask questions such as " why is this happening to her", " what is the purpose of the antagonist killing her", "did she ever have some type of connection with the antagonist causing them to kill her". All these questions may be asked and makes the audience to watch the film more so their questions would be answered. A movie famous for its opening " Saving Private Ryan which is about world war 2 famous D-day. This opening is filled with a ton of action leaving the audience with many questions. That is how I want my opening to be, leaving the audience with many questions so they can keep watching my film. At the end, the group I am in decided we should go for a drama/comedy, which was the approach I was going for.
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